1 minute read

1.) Install Rust from rustup.rs

If on windows, you can install rustup via the scoop package manager by running these commands in powershell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://get.scoop.sh')
scoop install rustup

2.) Install the Language Server (for IDE-like features in editors):

rustup self update
rustup update
cargo +nightly install racer
rustup component add rls-preview
rustup component add rust-analysis
rustup component add rust-src

3.) Install clippy:

rustup component add clippy-preview

At this point you can edit rust with whichever editor you like. The following steps are for Visual Studio Code.

4.) Install Visual Studio Code from:


Note: If using scoop on windows, run:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install vscode

5.) Install the Rust (rls) vscode extension from the vscode marketplace, or press ctrl+shift+p to open the command pallette and type:

ext install rust

How to install extensions in vscode: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/extension-gallery

6.) Add the following line to your vscode user preferences (File->Preferences->Settings or use the shortcut Ctrl+Comma):

"rust-client.channel": "stable"

7.) Create a new rust project with cargo and open it with vscode:

cargo new my-project-name
code my-project-name

8.) Begin learning Rust!

All the offline documentation for your current Rust release can be found using:

rustup doc

An up to date repository of various Rust learning resources can be found here:


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